src/std/io/driver/package.d(243,12): Error: template `core.atomic.cas` cannot deduce function from argument types `!()(shared(Driver)*, typeof(null), shared(Driver))`, candidates are: /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/generated/linux/release/64/../../../../../druntime/import/core/atomic.d(279,6): `cas(MemoryOrder succ = MemoryOrder.seq, MemoryOrder fail = MemoryOrder.seq, T, V1, V2)(T* here, V1 ifThis, V2 writeThis)` with `succ = cast(MemoryOrder)5, fail = cast(MemoryOrder)5, T = shared(Driver), V1 = typeof(null), V2 = shared(Driver)` must satisfy the following constraint: ` !is(T == shared)` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/generated/linux/release/64/../../../../../druntime/import/core/atomic.d(297,6): `cas(MemoryOrder succ = MemoryOrder.seq, MemoryOrder fail = MemoryOrder.seq, T, V1, V2)(shared(T)* here, V1 ifThis, V2 writeThis)` with `succ = cast(MemoryOrder)5, fail = cast(MemoryOrder)5, T =, V1 = typeof(null), V2 = shared(Driver)` must satisfy one of the following constraints: ` is(T : V1) is(shared(T) : V1)` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/generated/linux/release/64/../../../../../druntime/import/core/atomic.d(317,6): `cas(MemoryOrder succ = MemoryOrder.seq, MemoryOrder fail = MemoryOrder.seq, T, V1, V2)(shared(T)* here, shared(V1) ifThis, shared(V2) writeThis)` with `succ = cast(MemoryOrder)5, fail = cast(MemoryOrder)5, T =, V1 = typeof(null), V2 =` must satisfy the following constraint: ` is(T == class)` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/generated/linux/release/64/../../../../../druntime/import/core/atomic.d(338,6): `cas(MemoryOrder succ = MemoryOrder.seq, MemoryOrder fail = MemoryOrder.seq, T, V)(T* here, T* ifThis, V writeThis)` with `succ = cast(MemoryOrder)5, fail = cast(MemoryOrder)5, T = shared(Driver), V = shared(Driver)` must satisfy the following constraint: ` !is(T == shared)` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/generated/linux/release/64/../../../../../druntime/import/core/atomic.d(355,6): `cas(MemoryOrder succ = MemoryOrder.seq, MemoryOrder fail = MemoryOrder.seq, T, V1, V2)(shared(T)* here, V1* ifThis, V2 writeThis)` src/std/io/driver/package.d(243,12): ... (1 more, -v to show) ... src/std/io/exception.d(42,13): Error: can only catch class objects derived from `Exception` in `@safe` code, not `object.Throwable` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/dmd-safe failed with exit code 1.